More about me

Hi, my name is María Elisa. I am from Uruguay, a South American nation recognized by its harmonious blend of natural beauty and progressive values, and a rich cultural heritage influenced by European immigrants.

I am an ATA-certified translator from English to Spanish, with more than 15 years of experience in the translation industry and specializing in the Legal and Business fields.


My journey in the legal and linguistic world began at the School of Law and Social Sciences at the Universidad de la República in Uruguay. In 2005, I earned my degree as a Procuradora Pública (equivalent to a Bachelor's in Paralegal Studies in the United States). This qualification allows me to assist lawyers and legal firms with various tasks, like legal research, drafting documents such as contracts and pleadings, managing case files, interviewing clients and witnesses, and handling administrative duties.

But, here's the interesting part: ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated by languages and how they work in different cultures. So, I decided to blend my two passions: law and languages. In 2015, I earned a degree as a Traductora Pública en Idioma Inglés (equivalent to a Bachelor's in Legal Translation Studies from English to Spanish), still at the same university.

With that, I became a sworn translator, officially authorized by the Uruguayan government to provide certified translations in both directions: from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. I work on documents needed for official or legal purposes, such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, legal contracts, and more. These translations come with a sworn statement vouching for their accuracy, making them legally valid and accepted by authorities.

To gain international recognition for my translation skills, I earned the American Translators Association (ATA) certification from English to Spanish in 2018. As an ATA-certified translator, I can handle a variety of documents, including legal contracts, medical records, marketing materials, and more. I can provide certified translations, which are often required for official or legal purposes, and include a signed statement affirming the accuracy of the translation.

ATA certification is one of the industry's most respected credentials for translators and is the only widely recognized measure of competence for translation in the U.S. It offers qualified and independent evidence that a translator possesses professional competence in a specific language combination, and it recognizes translators with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality translation.

ATA Certification requires translators to maintain their credentials with ongoing continuing education. This commitment to learning should always be an integral part of every professional's career, and I have embraced it as a cornerstone of my professional life, ensuring that I consistently provide the highest quality translations and stay attuned to the ever-changing linguistic and cultural landscape.

work experience

My journey in the world of language and translation began while I was still a student. I started my professional path as a language teacher in 2001. It was in 2008 that I took my first significant steps into translation, becoming a language provider for a prestigious international company operating in Uruguay. This initial experience as an independent linguist ignited my curiosity and deepened my appreciation for translation.

In 2009, I ventured into collaborations with various Language Service Providers (LSPs) based in Europe. These opportunities not only honed my translation skills but also exposed me to the diverse linguistic needs of clients in different regions.

Since then, I've had the privilege of serving different clients, both through LSPs and direct collaborations, spanning across the United States, Latin America, and Europe. This diverse experience has not only broadened my linguistic expertise but has also instilled in me a profound understanding of the global landscape of language and culture. It has been a remarkable professional path, one in which I've been able to bridge language barriers, facilitate cross-cultural communication, and deliver precise and culturally resonant translations to clients worldwide.

In my professional experience over the last 15 years, I have:

  • Provided full English to Spanish and Spanish to English translation & localization services for different LSPs and direct clients

  • Edited and proofread completed translations to identify and correct punctuation, grammatical, and translation errors

  • Post-edited machine-translated text to identify and correct punctuation, grammatical and translation errors

  • Generated video subtitle

  • Performed linguistic quality assurance to identify errors ranging from simple, such as multiple spaces and spelling errors, to those which are harder to spot, such as missing text and inconsistent translation

  • Collated and organized information to develop glossaries and terminology databases for use in translations

  • Promoted efficiency and verified the consistency of translations within documents using translation memory software such as Memsource, Phrase, MemoQ, Trados and WordBee

  • Assessed translation tests (from English to Spanish) from new candidates to determine whether to incorporate them to different LSP’s pools of translators, editors, and post-editors

  • Developed style guides for key customers

memberships & affiliations

I am a certified member of the American Translators Association (ATA) and a member of the Uruguayan Association of Sworn Translators (Colegio de Traductores Públicos del Uruguay, CTPU.)

ATA’s mission is to promote the recognition of professional translators and interpreters, to facilitate communication among its members, to establish standards of competence and ethics, to provide its members with professional development opportunities, and to advocate on behalf of the profession.

The Colegio de Traductores Públicos del Uruguay (CTPU) stands as a non-profit professional association dedicated to uniting sworn translators under its banner.

Established in 1950, CTPU has consistently been a pioneer in the region, setting the bar for excellence.

Central to its mission is the elevation and advocacy of sworn translators and their profession. To this end, CTPU takes an active role in fostering continuous growth among its members. It achieves this through a diverse array of educational initiatives, including the organization of courses, workshops, conferences, lectures, and seminars.

These affiliations require a deep commitment to continuous education and professional growth, enabling me to deliver top-tier translation solutions for my clients.